Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Little Jovie is 1!

My beautiful niece turned 1 and I took pictures. :) Here are just a couple to tide y'all over.

and...check this out...I made her birthday dress. :)

and....I'm excited to say she's starting to tolerate me. :) It's a great improvement over not liking me at all. lol


  1. I love the dress, you'll have to tell me how you made it.

  2. oh misty thank you thank you! i love them! i can't wait to see more. will there be a gallery? if you could find the time to mail the disc to me i'll pay you back for the shipping next time i see you. i can't wait til feb. or april. whenever we're seeing you next. i had lotsa fun with you last week!

  3. LOVE IT! So cute!!!

  4. Lovely pictures! and lovely dress! Thank youfor sharing your talents with the family!!!

  5. These are so beautiful! She looks like a princess!

  6. April did I tell you that Mae had those boots then I returned them. Crazy we for sure have the same taste! And the pics are super cute. She has so much hair.

    Misty sometimes toleration is a very good thing. I dont think she loves me eaither but she does put up with me.
