Monday, August 18, 2008

c25k - day 7

I know, I didn't blog day 6. But I ran.

So, those couch to 5k people are tricky. I knew today was going to be longer stretches of running. Let me tell you about my mental dialogue.

*when I got to the track* uhg. I'm still asleep. Why am I doing this again?

*after the brisk 5 minute walk* ok. I'm feeling pretty good, let's get this show on the road.

*after the first 200 meter run* That wasn't so bad!

*after the first 200 meter walk* This is great, I can totally do this!

*after the first 400 meter run* Nope. Not great. Bad idea.

*near the end of the first 400 meter walk* Oh, I'm feeling better, I can do this! 200 meters next, no big deal.

*after the second 200 meter run* wheeze, wheeze, wheeze...glad to be walking again

*near the end of the first 200 meter walk* Only 400 left to run! feeling good! let's go, let's go!!

*after the second 400 meter run* Nope. Not good anymore. Not fun, what was I thinking? wheeze, wheeze, wheeze.

*after the cool down walk* Huh. I'm feeling okay now. Those c25k people are tricky. I survived and it's not so bad.

So there you go. The walk/run mix is actually kinda cool.


  1. i'm going to have to say that I believe it would be infinitely better on a track rather than on the treadmill... you have sight of the finish line... instead of a time... perhaps a track is the way to go... too bad i don't think there's a place around here i can run like that.

  2. Sorry I have been MIA for a long time. I am so excited for you to start running! Your mom's advice was good about doing a warm up before you start the workout. Stretch just a little after the warm up (not too deep) - just enough to feel loose. Then do lots of deep stretching after the workout.

    By the way - I used to hate running too. I even hated it when I did cross-country in high-school. I did it for the social aspect. Then I did cross-country intermurals in college (don't ask me why) and I LOVED IT!! Since then I have been addicted. So, long story short, I think it is possible for you to start loving something you hated. It just takes getting past the first few weeks - till your body becomes efficient at it. Then suddenly it is fun.

  3. Oh and by the way. I am in the same boat as you right now. I didn't run the whole time I was pregnant and I just started a couple months ago. My body is so much heavier than before - it is a new experience. I feel like I am starting over. You are an inspiration to me. I haven't been really consistant with running. I have mostly been using my indoor bike. It is hard to train hard running for the first few weeks and get past that threshold of difficulty before it feels natural.
    I have been doing jog/walk work-outs too. But for some reason it was easy to jog without walking when I ran with Squire and Kimberly on the coast. A running buddy would really help me.

    I think I will post my workouts too. It is motivating if everyone knows when you are and aren't exercising.
