Wednesday, May 05, 2010

"the choice" epilogue

"in which my story continues"

Our honeymoon was 3 months after our wedding so Dave could get the time off work. We drove my trusty Buick down hwy 1 on the west coast from Seattle to San Diego, stopping along the way in various spots. We even hopped the border for a day in Tijuana.

The next 10 years contained the highest highs and the lowest lows of my lifetime. The first time since we met that we spent a day without seeing each other was 2 1/2 years after we were married. It hasn't always been perfect, but we complement each other nicely.

We've celebrated each others accomplishments and supported each others failures. We made it through 4 births, miscarriage and a few diabetic comas together. We love each other more every day.

I feel confident in assuming that with eternity as our goal, we will live happily ever after. I know that I made the right choice back in December of 99 and I'm grateful I learned to listen to the promptings of the Spirit.

In case you're wondering about Matt, he met someone and got married in the temple after his mission and has a couple kids now. know what I learned while writing this? Maybe real life really is like a cheesy LDS romance novel. :D


  1. Love it! And you two do compliment each other well. :)

  2. I told you it would make a great LDS Romance novel! You better get a ghost writer or start putting in more details so you can send a transcript to Deseret Book! ;)

  3. I just read your 'book' to my mom and she likes it too and said your wedding reception sounds really pretty and we wish we were had been there.

  4. hope you don't mind that i read your story. i got sucked in :) very much like a cheesy LDS novel, but very inspiring. thank you.
