Monday, May 03, 2010

"the choice" ch-9

"in which he loves me anyway"

We were sitting on the couch in the house he shared with his brother and 2 friends and I was watching Dave's face closely for a reaction. We'd only known each other for 4 days, I was sure he'd run away now that he knew everything.

But he didn't.

He pulled my head to his shoulder and told me that it was all in the past and didn't matter. We talked for hours and kissed a few times too. By now we both were pretty dang sure that this was going somewhere eternal but neither of us voiced it. We did talk about love and I found out that he had left BYU in the middle of a semester because he was in the temple and had the strongest impression that his wife was not at BYU. So he went home to find her. He was absolutely and completely accepting of me and I was floating somewhere far beyond cloud 9 already.

We saw each other every day that week. On Thursday I met his family. Well, part of them. His Mom was kind and gracious but very confused by my hair color. Apparently when Dave told her about me he said I was blonde. Still not sure where he got that idea from. When I met his Grandma she was appalled by my name. The first thing she said to me was that if her name was Misty, she would pay $1000 to change it because of that evil Pokemon show. I think I said something intelligent like "...oh..."

I learned something else that night. I had noticed this chain he wore around his neck and so at one point I hooked it with my finger and said "what's this?" as I pulled it out from under his shirt. It was a medical ID tag. It stated that he had type 1 diabetes. Now, you have to understand, my only knowledge of t1 diabetes came from Stacy in The Babysitters Club books (I was addicted to those things as a kid. It wasn't until I realized I'd read 4 halloween themed books and the characters hadn't aged at all that I stopped reading them.) Anyway, turns out the author had no idea what she was talking about. So my knowledge of diabetes was slim to none. I asked a couple questions and he assured me it was no big deal. I believed him. It wasn't until our honeymoon that I learned what a big deal it actually could be, but that's another story.

That night we attended the temple together. We were both praying to know if what we thought we were feeling was something that we should stick with. Sitting in the celestial room after the session he took a ring off my right hand, moved it to my left hand and said "what's your ring size?" I answered and could barely contain my excitement.

The next morning I woke up in a panic. We didn't look at rings together and as far as I knew we weren't going to. But I hate yellow gold. Hate it. And he needed to know that because I didn't want to hate my ring forever. So I ran to the library and checked my email (even then I preferred to write rather than call). He had written to me and forwarded one of those "about me" surveys. (probably a good idea seeing as I really didn't know anything about him.) This distracted me and I wrote this to him.

Just so you know. I'm sitting in the library cracking
up at the computer. People are looking at me like I'm
standing on my head and singing I'm a Little Teapot.
That was hilarious.........I love you more every
Misty Dawn (what a neat name....I hear it's worth one
thousand dollars!!!!!!)

Then I was like, crap, I forgot. So I sent a second email right after. (for reference, he skipped out on plans with a friend to hang out with me the night before)

Hey hon,
I forgot to ask if J is mad at you. Tell him
it's all my fault and I tied you up and dragged you
everywhere we went....... ;o)
I also forgot to tell you something......
I've always want a white gold wedding ring....
Love Ya!!!!!
Misty Dawn

huh...I had a serious ellipses addiction.

Feeling better about that, we made plans for him to come home and meet my family for Christmas the next week.

It was time to call my mom and tell her that since the last time we'd spoken, I'd broken up with Matt and gotten unofficially engaged to someone I'd known for 7 days.


  1. You are such a great writer! I am addicted... I know the end, but you tell it so well!

  2. My husband keeps asking me why I come to your blog first thing in the Morning...its because I want to know the next chapter YEY! I love it I do :D

  3. I'm enjoying the story Misty:) I know the end too but maybe I should write my side of this part of the story LOL.
