Wednesday, May 05, 2010

"the choice" ch-11

"in which the ring makes an appearance"

Once we got home, I spent some time hanging out with Traci and Anna (my HS bff's and 1st yr of college roomies). We hadn't spent much time together since we all moved on and we were having a great time. On Tuesday, December 28th, Dave called to see if I could attend the temple with him that night. I agreed and took my time getting ready and chatting with my friends.

He showed up with a dozen roses, 11 red, 1 yellow (I had told him yellow roses were my favorite rose), and presented them to me. Clue number 1. I think I shot a glance at my friends or my Aunt...I know somebody was there, just don't remember who.

We headed up to the temple and went through a session. In the celestial room, he held my hand (did I mention our hands fit together perfectly?) and we just reveled in the peaceful feeling. He leaned close and whispered "do you want to spend eternity with me?" Clue number 2.

We left the celestial room and went to the hallway. He led me to a bench in the hallway and we sat down together. We talked about nothing of real importance for a minute and then he took my left hand, removed my ring that he had placed there the week before and put it back on my right hand. Clue number 3.

Then I totally ruined the moment. After moving my ring over, he stood up. I thought we were leaving. I had no idea why he took my ring off and I remember being confused but just hoping he'd get to the proposal part soon because I wanted something on that hand! So, since he stood up, I stood up too and started to walk down the hall. That's when I realized he stood up so he could pull something out of his pocket. Something small.

Shoot! Why did I stand up and make it all awkward? He rolled with it though. He took my left hand, placed a gorgeous platinum ring on my finger and simply asked "will you marry me?" I said yes and we hugged for ever. Until his parents happened to walk by. To this day I don't know if they went to the temple because they knew his plans or if it was a coincidence. Either way, they invited us to join them for some proxy sealings, so our first 20 minutes as an engaged couple was spent listening to the words of the sealing ceremony. Very cool, I have to say.

The ring was a little big so I was holding my hand in a fist all the time so I wouldn't lose it. When I got home there was much hugging and squealing.

Over the next few days Dave and I discussed dates. We didn't want a long engagement because we figured with all the trouble the Lord went to to get us together, then it must be "meant to be" and there was no sense in delaying the inevitable. We liked the idea of getting married right around Valentines day but when I called the temple I found out they were closed for cleaning the first 2 weeks of February. So then we either had to move it up or move it back. We figured why wait? and set the sealing for January 28th. Less than a month away.

I really had no idea if we could pull it off, but I figured enlisting my family would up my odds and we went to work on a speed wedding that met all my picky criteria.

I just wasn't sure if we'd succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Really? In the temple? That is awesome, how did I not know this?? Love your story.
