Thursday, June 25, 2009


After years of trying to diagnose Gabe's "allergies" the hard way with elimination diets and testing foods out, always only seeing minor improvements to the main problem (his poop) I finally got him tested.

Today I found out he has no allergies and he does not have Celiac Disease which was the one my "mommy sensor" was stuck on.

So...either it's a false negative or we're back to square one in figuring out why he's had diarrhea for his entire life.

It was implied that I was being one of "those moms" that's just trying to get attention by having an "allergic kid" but I'm really not. I've been changing diapers for 8 years now and I know there's something going on inside that kid that isn't normal.

Oh well. Next plan of action. Do nothing. Let him eat whatever he wants and see what happens.

Other good news...he's potty trained! (did I already blog about that? I can't remember).


  1. congratulations on the potty training success. I never thought that you were "one of those moms" though I am thankful that you have a "negative" results. I hope that you are able to find what is wrong inside, let me know if you figure it our, I could use it for S. Good luck with this new adventure.

  2. Yea on both accounts!
    You know I really don't know how to spell Yay, Yea or Yeah?

  3. Did you tell that person to kiss your behind? You are so not like that! Give me a break! I hope you figure out why he is having the diarehha. Good luck!

  4. Yay for potty training, I am currently basking in that glow, too! We all know you aren't one of "those moms"...

  5. At least you have the potty training down. I am sorry about the allergy hing though. That is rough to deal with. I know how you feel. I have one that I can NOT figure out what is triggering his frustrating!

  6. Not that I'm an expert, but I know that some people just have poor digestive heatlh. Maybe his intestines just have a hard time processing waste and it comes out as diarrhea instead of regular. Not a disease or anything, just not working up to par. Once again, I'm by no means an expert. Good luck.
