Sunday, February 08, 2009

Business Changes

So last year I got really busy with photography. Too busy. My family is growing and something has to give so that I can give my kids the time they need. I considered taking some time off, but it made me sad to think about not doing shoots. I really love it.

So...I debated. I considered several options and ended up combining a bunch of them.

1. I raised my prices.
2. I am only going to take 3 shoots a month. That's it. So plan ahead!
3. I am no longer offering the photo journal package.

This is the one I'm really excited about.
4. One of those 3 shoots each month will be free. Anybody can nominate a family/child/couple for a photo shoot. It must be a family who otherwise would not be able to afford pictures. To nominate someone just email me at Please include a paragraph explaining to me why you're nominating them. The chosen family will be spotlighted here unless you ask me not to. :)

This is what my website says about it....

It's 2009 and I now have four kids! Four! I've found that to be the Mom I want to be, and spend all sorts of quality time with my sweet kids before they grow up and don't want to hang out with me anymore, I need to make some changes to my business.

I am now limiting my shoots to 3 per month.

2 of those monthly shoots are available to anybody to schedule. The third is a pay it forward type thing I want to try this year. I will accept nominations each month for a family/child/couple who otherwise would not be able to afford pictures. I really believe everybody deserves beautiful pictures and would love the opportunity to take them. If you'd like to nominate somebody, email me at


  1. Good for you Misty. I am very proud of you!

  2. I would like to reserve a shoot in March or April for family pictures of the boys, Kevin and I. Let me know! Good for you for setting some limits!

  3. What a great way to use your talents. I need to schedule an appointment now for a September shoot. Are you available?

  4. good for you! that pay it forward thing is such a wonderful idea. you're a good person. and i love you.

  5. While I'm super bummed, I TOTALLY understand why you're doing it and SO glad you're still doing some photo shoots! What a good way to balance. I'll check with Adam and see if we'll still be able to do family pics this year. I'll let you know--looks like I'll have to reserve now to get you though! Also, great idea on the free photo shoot!

  6. I was wondering when you were gonna switch. You just did. Youll be much less stressed out.

  7. What a great idea! There are so many people that could be blessed with your talent! You're a great person, and family is always first! Way to spread the Lord's love!! :)
