Sunday, December 07, 2008

Naughty or nice

Today Nathan said "I'm worried I might be on the naughty list, Mom." Poor kid is being extra nice lately and it's so cute.

Gabe also informed me that he doesn't want Santa to bring him anything because he's scared of Santa. If I ask him what he wants from Santa he'll say nothing. If I ask him what he wants from me he'll say a soccer ball. :)


  1. Tell Nathan that Grandma J and Papa J says he is NOT on the naughty list for sure. :) Is sSanta bringing Gabe a present? Didn't one of your other kids not want Santa to come one year? I guess if you really think about
    it that would be scary. A big guy in a red suit being able to sneak into your home and you not know about it. Yep I agree Gabe, scary.

  2. Yeah, Aria wanted him to leave the presents on the porch one year. :)

  3. I think you should milk this "I think I'm naughty" thing. You could probably get him to help you out a lot that way. ;)
