Wednesday, October 29, 2008

lol, I never thought about it like that before!

So, I got Twilight on CD for Dave to listen to and he's totally hooked.

Today he said he understood Edward and thought he was like him. I was like really? And he said "yeah, I write piano music, I think I know everything, I don't sleep and I have cold hands."

It's true!


  1. Yes, but does he have bronze hair, amber/onyx eyes, and a chiseled marbled chest? And does he have a unholy thirst for your blood?

    I hope you don't compare yourself with Bella, you are much more than one dimensional! And probably a lot smarter too.

  2. lol, and nope. I didn't even like Bella until half way through book 4.

  3. That is funny! Way to go David!

  4. your very own edward. some girls have all the luck!
