Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Link (from Zelda). Thank you so much to Jessica who was willing to trade a photo shoot for sewing this costume for me!

After discarding her plans for Hannah Montana, Fancy Nancy and a plain cat. Aria ended with a dancing kitty. Isn't she sweet?

Gabe said for weeks he wanted to be a caterpillar. I figured he'd get over it and be something out of the halloween box. Spiderman, Buzz lightyear, Tweety bird etc... Nope. I opened the box and he took one look and said "There's no caterpillar in here!" Guess I can't fool him.

Thanks, Rach, for the tights. I searched high and low for fun colored tights and couldn't find any, so I went with what I already had at home.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hellooooo, favorite jeans! How have you been?

Yup, that's right. I got into my favorite pre-pregnancy Citizen jeans today. And they're not even too tight.

Sing it with me, now...

"Ooh, ah, dance in fancy pants!"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

lol, I never thought about it like that before!

So, I got Twilight on CD for Dave to listen to and he's totally hooked.

Today he said he understood Edward and thought he was like him. I was like really? And he said "yeah, I write piano music, I think I know everything, I don't sleep and I have cold hands."

It's true!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Gabe and Mae

I did a photo shoot today for Gabe's third birthday and Mae's first birthday. I went back to that cool urban location that we had our sister pictures done at. Here's a sneak peak.

I can't decide between b/w and color for this next one. (she's definitely her mother's daughter!)


Happened to get this picture of one of the horses at Aria's riding lessons the other day.

It made me laugh out loud so I thought I'd share.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A couple other greats

I did a shoot on Saturday morning and as I left I drove by this great corridor near the park that's just lined with trees and in the fall it's fantastic.

Something I've learned about fall is when you have the colors, you need to take advantage, because one good wind/rain will knock all those leaves down and you'll miss your chance.

So, I called my friend, Kristi, to see if she'd take a few shots of my family and let me edit them. She agreed! And she did a great job! That one of Gabe is one of my favorites of the shoot and I thought I'd share the family picture I'll likely be sending out this year and my other favorite of poor, picked on, Clara. :)

The Family...

and Clara...I'm so excited that she caught her lip! I've been trying to get a picture of this face on her for ages.

Gabe and the awesome hair

Almost daily Gabe wakes up and says one of these phrases...

"Mom, I have awesome hair today."
"Mom, I wuv mine awesome hair."
"Mom, wook at my big, awesome hair!"

Wanna see it? It's pretty awesome. (thanks to Kristi for this great picture!)

Oh, and he turned 3. Birthday blog to come.

I'm a Grandma

That's what Aria told me the day after our new family member joined us.

Aria is his mommy, therefore, I must be his grandma.

Meet Domino. Aria's new kitty. She's in seventh heaven. And for a cat, I have to say, he's really sweet.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pictures of me, my sisters and our girls

I only have a second, so I'll put more detail in this post later. But for the impatient. ;)

Rachel's sis-in-law (and a great photographer!), Brook, took pictures of us over the weekend and I loooove them! She let me proof them, so this gallery is my proofing, if you want to see her proofing (which also rocks) check Rachel's video blog.

Here they are!

I'll put my favs in this post after karate too.

Ok...I finally have time to put some pictures on here.

Clara spent all her time eating the tassels on my jacket.

This one cracks me up. I love the finders keepers sign and that Mae is giving Rachel the stink-eye.

This is classic Mae and Rachel. I think the first picture I have where she's holding Mae upside down was when Clara was born. So Mae would have been 6 months old at the time.

I can't help but go vintage with pictures of April and Jovie. My friend, Kristi, says April looks "old hollywood"...maybe that's why I always do this to her pictures.

My favorites of all 7 of us.

I think this is my fav of us sisters.

While we were doing the pictures of just the three sisters we put Aria in charge of the 3 babies. Poor thing was a little incredibly overwhelmed by the responsibility. Jovie tried to eat a rock, Mae tried to get away and Clara started crying. By the end, Aria was all "GET YOUR BABIES!" lol

I looove this of the girls. I think it's funny. And poor Clara was so sad by then.

Once we were sufficiently cold and the girls were all worn out, we went into a coffee shop on the street. Aria got hot cocoa in a glass cup with whipped cream...just like she wanted.

We took a few pictures inside the coffee shop too. I love how it looks like a studio.

I think I'm giong to take Dave, Nathan and Gabe down here and do my boys' pictures too.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I was asked what happened to this...

Injury, sick kids, etc, got in the way. Due to dr's orders for my running partner, we went back to week 1 for a little while. We're going to move past it again soon. I'll let you know when I'm back to where I was and I start advancing again.

For the record...still don't like running.

I also started Yoga, which I really like. It's a serious workout and much calmer, which is more my style (as opposed to weight lifting and impact things like running).

I also did a little weight loss challenge with my MOFs and came in second with an 11 lb loss in 6 weeks. Won $30. :) I just started another one.

On October 14th

My friend Jenn will be on Wheel of Fortune. That's a week from tonight, make sure you watch! (not only will my friend be on it, but it's an episode that's going to make history! That's all I'm saying!)