Monday, August 04, 2008

shhh....don't tell.

Remember how I hate running and stuff?

Well, guess what I did today?

Bought running shoes. Real ones. Fitted to me. That cost a lot.

Mr. Running Shoe man checked me out and then said "what size are you?" I replied "8.5 or 9". He said " you're not."

Ooookay, then.

I am now a proud owner of expensive, but very comfy size 9.5 nikes. I start the Couch to 5k tomorrow. Don't tell anyone. It might jinx me.

Oh, and I'm testing a theory. I want to see if one can start to enjoy something that one has hated for most of one's life. Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck! I think that is awesome what you are doing and didn't you JUST have a baby??? Way to go!! Running got me in great shape after having Colt and there is something about it that just makes you feel inspired. Hopefully you get the same feeling. The first couple weeks will be the hardest and then you will wonder why you never did it sooner. Congratualtions, you deserve to do this for yourself!

  2. I will be there with you...huffing and puffing for the first few weeks! I hate running I am glad that we will have something to complain about while we are getting back into "pre-baby" shape!

  3. Good luck girl. It is fun-ish and doable. Just take your time and breathe. You can do it.

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    YAY!! You can do it!! The first week about killed me but now I'm addicted.

  5. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I wouldn't ever say it was fun. But you get to the point where you just need to do it. I still dislike actually running, but I really like how I feel afterwards. And really, it is the cheapest, easiest, most effective way of staying in shape.

    And good shoes are essential. I'm glad that you got ones at a running store. A good shoe can prevent a multitude of injuries.
