Saturday, August 09, 2008

c25k - day 3


I have to say, it's a good thing I have Traci to do this with, because I really don't think I would have gotten out of bed this morning, otherwise.

Today I felt more sluggish than I did on day 2. And I think I need to learn how to stretch. I'm pretty sure I'm not doing it right.

I didn't resort to any mantras today because we spent a large portion of the run hashing out the pros/cons of vaccines. (I delay my kids, she does not...and we both have issues with the chicken pox vaccine). It was a nice distraction for my mind so I wasn't thinking about running so much.

Off to feed Clara. It still amazes me that I have to wake her up every morning. Even though I don't normally believe in waking a sleeping baby, my boobs can't handle more than 10 hours without her eating!


  1. Do you think that by the end of this we will have solved all of the world's problems???

  2. Way to go! I think (my theory at least) that consistency goes a long way!

    By the way, I delay vaccines, too. We're following the Sears schedule right now (the delayed, selective schedule).
