Monday, January 21, 2008

Teeth and Snow

Nathan lost another tooth. How cute is that hole in his mouth? I'm a little startled still every time he smiles.

And it snowed some more. I'm over the snow, but the flakes were big and pretty and Gabe loves it, so I took pics of him enjoying (and eating) it.


  1. Nathen looks so cute with his tooth missing. And brrrr cold Gabe with no coat on.

  2. Anonymous7:42 PM

    ditto on what Rach said. Nathan is cute without his tooth. I still love that he wanted to save it to bring to our house so the tooth fairy could come here. It's been a looooong time since the tooth fairy visited our house. And Gabe is adorable but I too am freezing seeing him without his coat on. Silly boy. I may want one of those pics too. :)

  3. I am so over the snow!
