Friday, January 18, 2008

Insomniatic (is that a word?) Ramblings

I have a king size bed. Big, right? Biggest there is, in fact. But, in case you were wondering, I king size bed is NOT big enough for 2 grown-ups, a 5 year old and a 2 year old.

Nearly every night, between the hours of 3 and 5, I awake to being kicked in the head by said 2 year old, only to roll over and find my way blocked by the 5 year old.

I am now faced with a choice. Try to ignore them, in an attempt to avoid coming fully awake, and attempt to sleep with feet in my face and nowhere to go. (As it really doesn't matter how often I straighten him out, he'll immediately turn sideways again and for some reason his feet are always on my side.) Being pregnant, I prefer to sleep on my side and rather sprawled out. This is not possible when sandwhiched between children, so I end up on my back with my arms above my head. NOT a good sleeping position.

Choice #2. Walk the 5 year old back to her bed and carry the 2 year old back to his. The problem with this is the getting up part. I end up awake and unable to fall back to sleep for quite some time. Being someone who treasures any sleep she can get, this option is very irritating. Unfortunately, kicking Dave til he wakes up and moves them isn't an option as he sleeps like a log. (I've tried. Many times.)

So what usually ends up happening is I lay there with my arms above my head and try to sleep until my bladder (a hazard of the unborn child within) insists that I get up and empty it. This is when I move the monsters, go back to bed and wait for the ever elusive sleep to descend again.

And now, it's 5:12 AM. I've been lying in bed, wide awake since 4:30 AM. I got bored. So, here I am.

I'll probably be able to fall back to sleep in the next hour or so, and then the alarm will rudely awake me at 7:30. And in case you're wondering, I still don't like that I have to wake up early every day to get a kid off to school. Whoever decided school should start so early in the mornings was not thinking about pregnant people with toddlers that kick.

Okay, they just weren't thinking about me, period. I am not a morning person.

Whenever my kids start high school, we will be finding somewhere to live that has release time seminary. In case you were wondering.


  1. We tell the 5-year-old to go sleep on the couch.

    All of mine get up at 7:00. I think I'm nearly used to it.

  2. hey you shoulda called me this morning...Jovie has once again decided night is day and Matt was sleeping since he has a 12 hour day as a result I also had a sleepless night...

  3. Anonymous9:04 PM

    i preventive teach caleb. i amke a bed on the floor for him and tell him if he comes in my room he can sleep in there but has to sleep on the bed i made on the floor. it has worked so far.

  4. we do the blankets/pillows on the floor. if a kid manages to squeeze into my bed, they are thrust out onto the floor upon discovery. okay, not thrust, but told to get on the floor. "You can sleep on the floor or in your own bed." is my mantra... you'd think they'd choose bed. Kids are WEIRD.

  5. Get a smaller bed and make them sleep on the side then when they roll they'll fall off. That might slove it? And ps that sucks!!

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Walla Walla has release time seminary. :)
