Thursday, December 20, 2007

I finally get it!

So my least favorite Christmas tradition growing up was riding around in the car to look at Christmas lights. I was stuck in the back of a minivan (where I'd get motion sick) and we'd drive around our little town looking at the same few streets that put the same lights up every year.

But today, when I stopped for the third time at "the dancing Christmas Lights" on our way home, it clicked.

It's the perfect thing to do with kids!

1. They're stuck.
2. They're quiet.
3. They're not making a mess.
4. did I mention they're stuck?

It's the perfect activity for a parent! Go try it!


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Ouch... I had no clue you felt that way. Yes everyone was stuck. :) But that's not why I liked it. lol It was one of the few Christmas traditions that I can remember from my childhood. Occasionally we would go around and look at Christmas lights. It was magical to see all the pretty lights. So it was a special memory to me from my childhood and I wanted to share it with my children. I didn't grow up with a traditional family and so anything family oriented was special to me. But now I'm happy to see that you're carring on the tradition. LOL. You're cute Misty.

  2. Don't be sad! And I don't think I disliked it until I was a teenager. But I am carrying it on. Even if it is because they're stuck. :D Love you, mom.

  3. We do it too. It is so nice to have them stuck and not moving. That is our activity for tonight to help to celebrate Christmas. We wait until the Sunday before Christmas to go look at all the lights.

  4. Im not ready for that tradition yet maybe when Mae is older and I need her to be stuck. And when we get a car where my knees are not stuck to the dashboard.

  5. lol! I think that was one of my very favorite family traditions growing up. Probably because we WERE all "stuck" in the car together. My dad always knew the best streets to go to (being a police officer and spending so much time driving around anyway). We've since carried on w/that tradition and I agree with you 100% about it being great having the kids "stuck", lol!

    Hope you had a great Christmas!

  6. LOL I would never have guessed you hated looking at Christmas lights. Too funny. I love Christmas lights, however we let the kids out of their seats, bad I know.
