Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So, I had an ultrasound today

I've been getting phenergen from my family dr since the midwife can't prescribe it and she wouldn't keep giving it to me unless I got an u/s that showed everything was okay. So she got me a discount and I went in and everything is good! I was right with my dates, even!

And get this....the tech got a good between the legs shot (a few of them) and is pretty sure she knows what it is. She's been a tech for 16 years and when she pointed it out to me, I could see what she saw. So, is healthy, 12 weeks along, and I know (not 100%, but fairly sure) what I'm having!

Yay me!

Oh, the best part, the dr will keep giving me phenergen so I can keep functioning. *phew*


  1. Yeah so I take it were keeping it quiet until your next ultrasound. Sounds good to me. YEAH to babies! Even late ones.

  2. gah! you're gonna make us wait?

  3. Hey, have you looked into the connection between hyperemesis and the h. pylori bacteria? It seems to have merit. It's the most powerful antibiotics that kill h. pylori (the ones they pull out for that resistant MSRA thing the school athletes keep catching), but grapefruit seed oil is a natural remedy.

    I can't believe you're leaving us hanging!

  4. Misty, I want to know what it is!! Girl or boy? I think .....girl? Keep posting I love reading your blog!!

  5. Okay I hate that your keeping us waiting, but my guess that if there was something to see it is a boy. You better tell us though or we will hide your drugs...JK I would never do that it's a horrible joke I know. Hope you get through the yuck part quick.

  6. Ultra sound - how exciting! I love modern technology and medicine!!!!! (Hope your medicine helps!)

    Can't wait to see if I guess the gender right.
