Monday, May 07, 2007

Mean people suck.

What happened to what we all learned on Bambi? Say it with me now, "if you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all."

Lately, it seems like everywhere I turn people just don't sensor themselves. They say whatever pops into their head and I just can't figure it out. Why? Stop and think. Seriously!

Let's see how vague I can be here.

There's this place that I go. A lot. There's this person who also goes there daily. This person has a reserved parking space. This person is just not nice. This person seems to think they own the parking lot. I have seen on several occasions this person laying into people who parked in said reserved spot. I have been the recipient of this persons wrath when this person backed up quickly as I came around the corner slowly. Had anything happened, it would not have been my fault, yet the person rolled down their car window and proceeded to angrily gesture and yell things at me while I smiled and waved while seething inside. (oh, and I did not open my window or acknowledge the meanness).

But why? What's the point? Park 3 spaces away on the rare occasion that the reserved spot is taken. It's not going to kill you and will reduce the negativity being released into the world.

Vague situation number 2.

Toddlers make noise. They also have a short attention span and can't sit still for 3 hours. And if they have a runny nose, they shouldn't be around other small children. So, if someone has a huge problem with said toddler (who, by the way, was being quite good and not super noisy), in a room with adults then that person should quietly get the Mom's attention and tactfully mention that the toddler is a bit too loud for the room. That person should not call the Mom out twice in front of the entire room.

Again with the negativity being released. It makes me sad.

Okay, and I know I'm kinda releasing negativity by writing this blog, but it's my blog. I'm allowed.


  1. Blogging is definitely my cheap therapy!!!!! Let it all out!!!!!!!

    I thought it was pretty thoughtful of you not to put said child in nursery with a runny nose!!!! And aren't children there to run around so you don't fall asleep during the third hour of church? I also noticed several faces that turned into smiles while seeing a little one running around.

    Sorry you got picked on.

  2. That said situation is why I am now a happy nursery worker. That was nice of you not to bring Gabe with a runny nose. I wondered what happened to you guys. Hope you feel better after blogging about it.

  3. breathe in, breathe out... move on.

    yay for blogs where you can vent, eh?

  4. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Mean people suck! All of the parents who were not exposed to you potentially sick baby should be thanking you for no sleepless runny trips to the doctor...the list could go on!

  5. Mean people definitley suck! I am so sorry!

  6. That does stink about being called out publicly. Not a lot of tact there. I don't even try. I go to nursery with Henry even though he's only 16 months because I don't feel like hanging out in the hallways and the nursery people don't mind. You, at least, were trying. Give a girl some credit.
