Thursday, February 02, 2006


Everybody warns first time moms about the terrible twos. We're regaled with stories of their little monsters and the destruction they are capable of. Two year olds can destroy anything. Toilets? No problem, try to flush an entire roll including the cardboard tube. Walls? Easy, just take a permanent marker to them! Dishes? Drag a chair to the counter, get a plate out and drop it. DVD's? They make great frisbees! And don't even think about letting a 2 year old have scissors. Anything is fair game. Bean bags, pillows, clothes, hair, pictures, etc.

Then they graduate to three and the "fun" intensifies. This is the age of pointless, screaming temper tantrums. My daughter actually screams "WAHHHHHH" over and over with her face clenched up and forcing tears out. She, throws herself down on the ground, punching and kicking, with the occasional glance around to see if she's getting the attention that she's apparently starving for.

But four is a whole new game. Four year olds are a mystery. There is no rhyme or reason to their actions. Nathan is four and I never know what to expect from him. I find myself holding my breath around him. Just today he fell in the same spot 2 times. The first time, he collapsed into a sobbing heap. The second time, his eyes widened, he said "I'm okay" and he got up and went about his business.

One minute, he'll be walking around roaring like Alex the Lion and it's a game. We can all pretend to be animals with him. Then, without warning, the game is over and everyone must stop being an animal but him and if we do not desist immediately, he will let us know. And not gently either. His screams of injustice can be heard for miles.

Hugs and kisses are up to him. Sometimes it's okay to touch him, other times it's not. And then there's the "silliness." ("he knows we like the silliness" that show!) His version of being silly is climbing up on your lap, getting right in your face, raising his hands into a claw gesture and making odd noises at the top of his lungs. It's quite entertaining, let me tell you. (do you hear my sarcasm?)

Finally, choices are not limited to what is offered.

Me: "Nathan, would you like Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms for breakfast?"
Him: "Life"


Me: "Nathan, would you like to leave now or in 5 minutes?"
Him: "10 minutes"

Any argument with his choice is met with the aforementioned screams of injustice. Either that or intense, award winning, whining. No one can whine like a 4 year old.

Terrible twos, my foot. I'd take those any day over the furious fours.


  1. oh great. I'm so not looking forward to that.

  2. I hear you on that Misty! You would think that it would get easier, they just get too darn smart!

  3. Can Camden stay a baby forever? The stories I read scare me. Check out verymom today. She talks about 4 year olds too. Maybe you guys can swap war stories.

  4. My oldest never hit the terrible twos, but when she hit four she finally did! That was in tantem with my second child's terrible twos. Ugh. As my second child approaches her fours she's calmed down a lot and I think they'll be a cakewalk compared to the rest of her life. ;)

  5. I hear you sister!

    We are there right now. Everything is a challenge with this little boy!

  6. Anonymous9:03 AM

    let me tell you when erika was 4 wholy crap. her parents couldnt leave with out a 30 min scream and lets try to beat the babysitter session and lets not talk about bed time she was rarely asleep when they got home. i am so glad that she is now 6 so much better.
