Saturday, February 04, 2006


Apparently, I stink. How do I know this? Because Nathan informs me of it on a regular basis and everyone knows that kids are brutally honest.

I can always count on my kids to tell me the truth when I least want to hear it. I shower (with soap), I wear deodorant and I change my clothes almost daily. But something about my scent will occasionally cause Nathan to wrinkle his face in disgust and insist that I stink. It's not always that bad though. Sometimes he tells me that I look pretty and sometimes he compliments my macaroni and cheese skills. But usually, I stink.

Aria is also quite honest. She says she loves me. She says I'm the best maker (that means cook). She even misses me when I'm gone. But, alas, she is a fickle child. If I scold her or say she can't have a twelfth popscicle, suddenly she doesn't like me anymore and she tells me so.

She used to love this one babysitter, until I started calling the babysitters younger sister to babysit. Last night Aria told the younger sister that when she babysits, Aria doesn't miss her mommy. But when the older sister babysits, Aria misses her mommy a lot.

How much you wanna bet this younger sister went right home and was brutally honest with her older sister about what Aria said?


  1. Cute kids and comments!

  2. Misty, my daughter is more discreet, if that's a word. She'll tell me: "mom, you need a shower".

    And one day she told my mother "your breath stinks!"

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    hey at least you always know where you stand. thats gotta feel good to some extent. and hey maybe they will still be telling you the truth when there teenagers?

  4. Seriously, always so honest. Except when you are trying to find out who broke the lamp (replace lamp with anything in my house and all the sudden no truth can be told)
